
How do you place an order?

Ordering with us is easy, fast and safe. Search for the product you want to order via the product categories or via the search function and add the product to be ordered to your digital shopping cart using the order button. You can now continue shopping or proceed with the order.

When you proceed with ordering you have the option to log in with an account so that the billing and delivery address is entered immediately. Don't have an account yet? Fill in the requested information such as your contact and address details.

Check the entered data and select one of the displayed payment methods. You have an option to add a comment to your order. We take your wishes into account as much as possible during the processing of your order.

Check the box to agree to our terms and conditions and double check all the information you entered. If you agree, place the order and you can then pay for your order.

Place an order

When you place an order with us, an account is automatically created for you. This account is linked to the email address you entered and the password will be sent to you by email. You can use this account in the future when placing new orders.

Order confirmation

After placing your order you will receive a confirmation by e-mail. Here you will find the details of your order. In the unlikely event that you have made a mistake or wish to adjust your order, please let us know by telephone via +31 (0)30 656 9603. If your order has already been processed and shipped, changes are no longer possible!

Cancel order

If you wish to cancel an order, this is only possible if it has not yet been processed and shipped. Please notify us of your cancellation by telephone as soon as possible via +31 (0)30 656 9603. If the order has already been processed and shipped, cancellation of the order is no longer possible. You can then return your order to us upon receipt. However, there are costs involved, see our return procedure.

Foreign customers

Our company is located in the Netherlands and we must legally levy 21% VAT on all orders unless you order as a company that is located in an EU country and has a valid VAT number. You can enter this VAT number during the ordering process. This number will then be automatically checked. When the VAT number has been approved, the order is immediately released from VAT. If you still see the VAT amount with your order after entering your VAT number, please contact us before you complete your order. It is possible that the online database for VAT verification has a problem and in that case we can manually approve your VAT number and make the order VAT-free. All customers from outside the EU are automatically exempt from VAT. You can enter your billing country during the ordering process and when you place an order from a non-EU country, the VAT will automatically be removed.